Herby courgette and smoked hummus wraps

  • Prep: 10m
  • Cook: 10m
  • Serves: 2

A super-speedy twenty minute meal with courgette! With added flavour from zingy lemon and chilli, mint for a brightening, fresh lift and smoked hummus for protein and yumminess! It may not be Michelin starred, but it’ll definitely make lunchtime special, even if you’re in a hurry.


  1. Set your oven to 180˚C/Gas 4.
  2. Slice the courgettes into approx. 1cm discs. Toss them in a bowl with a little oil to coat and some salt and pepper to season.
  3. Heat a large frying pan. Cooking in batches if needs be, fry the courgettes on a medium heat, until lightly browning on both sides and starting to soften. If cooking in batches, transfer them to a baking tray and keep them in the oven while you fry the next batch.
  4. If you like heat, finely chop a little chilli too. Leave the seeds in for an extra kick.
  5. When the courgettes are all done, sprinkle over some chilli to your taste, add a squeeze of lemon and check the seasoning.
  6. Wrap the tortillas in foil and pop them in the oven for 5 minutes to warm through.
  7. Toss the salad leaves in a bowl (you can use the same one the courgettes went in, no need to wash it out) in some olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar to your taste.
  8. Fill the warm tortillas with some salad leaves, smoked hummus, courgettes and finish with some freshly shredded mint leaves.
  9. Serve with any remaining salad leaves on the side.

Recipe and images: Riverford


All to be sourced organic where possible

  • 2 organic courgettes
  • 1 chilli - add to taste
  • 1 lemon
  • 4 tortillas or flat breads
  • 100g mixed salad leaves
  • balsamic vinegar - add to taste
  • 180g pot of smoked hummus
  • small bunch of mint
  • olive oil
  • salt & pepper

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